There are times in our lives when we are faced with the decision of whether to buy something we don't really need. For some people, the conundrum can be overwhelming. We get it. We also get the fact that there are also times when investing in something you do not really need turns out to be a good thing. We can illustrate the point with our luxury notebook journal.
Truth be told, no one really needs a luxury notebook journal. Anyone who wants to journal can use a cheap notebook from the local department store. Even pieces of scrap paper will do the trick. So why spend money on a designer journal like ours? Motivation.
Journaling is good for mental health. We'll talk more about that in just a minute. But even if you decide to begin journaling to improve your mental health, you may struggle with motivation. Investing in a luxury notebook journal can provide the motivation you need to write your thoughts down every day. Because it is a luxury item, you actually want to use it. That's the point.
Mental Health Benefits of Journaling
We encourage everyone to consider keeping a daily journal to help improve mental health. You don't have to be someone easily overwhelmed to benefit from the practice. How does it help? Journaling can do a lot of things for you. Here's just a quick sampling of the benefits:
- Anxiety Management – Writing down your thoughts every day can help you manage anxiety. Journaling forces you to slow down and think about things, thereby helping to eliminate some of the assumptions that cause anxiety.
- Stress Reduction – Along with helping you manage anxiety, daily journaling can help reduce stress. Your luxury notebook journal becomes a vehicle to vent. Get it all out and you will feel better.
- Better Coping – Daily journaling can help you better cope with mental health conditions like depression. It can help you better cope when issues start getting the best of you. Simply put, journaling helps you collect your thoughts.
A fantastic post published by the University of Rochester Medical Center suggested daily journaling can help people suffering from mental health conditions improve their moods and control their symptoms. But that doesn't mean daily journaling only benefits those with a mental health diagnosis.
Journaling Is Good for All of Us
We are all subject to daily stress. We all go through those periods of anxiety. You don't need to have a diagnosed mental health condition to benefit from journaling. Keeping a daily journal can help you maintain good mental health for the same reasons it helps people struggling with a diagnosed issue.
All of this brings us back to the luxury notebook journal. Again, you do not need one in the same sense that you need food, water, and oxygen. Buying a luxury notebook journal isn't as important as paying the mortgage or making sure you have clothes on your back. But if you have the disposable income to spend, investing in a luxury journal could make the daily practice of journaling more enjoyable.
Enjoying the daily journaling exercise goes a long way towards motivating you to stick with it. If you enjoy what you are doing, you're more likely to look forward to doing it. You are less likely to allow other things to get in the way. This reality was one of the things that motivated us to design our luxury notebook journal.
If you are not journaling yet, we encourage you to start. If you are journaling and need some motivation, check out our luxury notebook journal.