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Habit Trackers: What They Are and How They Might Help

Among the tools built in to our high-performance planner is the habit tracker. We didn't invent the habit tracker. We just implemented it in a way that makes it more usable. If the habit tracker concept is new to you, it is worth looking in to.   Habit trackers represent just one tool a person might use to improve daily performance. Since daily performance is individually defined, people use habit trackers in different ways. Use one and you just might find it to be the most important component of your daily planner.   What It Is, What It Does   A habit tracker is a tool for recording and tracking your habits. Let's say you have a list of daily...

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5 ADHD Characteristics Often Misunderstood by Others

Despite worldwide knowledge and acceptance of ADHD, people diagnosed with the disorder often feel misunderstood. While those feelings are sometimes misplaced, they are spot on at other times. Unfortunately, many of the characteristics that define ADHD are misunderstood by people who have no experience with the disorder.   ADHD brains are wired differently. Moreover, the disorder doesn't manifest itself the same way in every person who has it. This only seems to confuse people who struggle to understand ADHD. For the record, misunderstandings about ADHD explain why so many daily planners don't work for ADHDers.   Our ADHD daily planner is designed specifically to give the ADHD brain access to the tools necessary to stay on task. You can look...

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When Establishing Priorities, Avoid This One Thing

A lot of us use our daily planners as a tool for establishing priorities. We have to. There are just so many things demanding our attention that establishing priorities is the only way to make sure we get the most important things done. But there is a hidden danger in prioritization, a trap that should be avoided at all costs.   What is that trap? It is assessing the value of each task on the priority list as though it were a separate entity unto itself. It is a practice that can be fairly disruptive to just about anyone. But for someone with ADHD using a daily planner, the practice can be stifling.   Nothing Happens in a Vacuum  ...

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So, What Does Your Daily Planner Look Like?

Here at Next Level Daily, we are extremely proud of our high-performance daily planner. Although it was designed for anyone to use, we have had certain groups of people reach out to us to let us know that it is the best planner for their specific needs. Some examples of these groups include people with ADHD, real estate professionals, working moms and teachers. We obviously recommend it for everyone. But we know that not everyone does things the way we do. That is why our planner is so adaptable and customizable.   So, what does your daily planner look like? Does it resemble what we offer in PDF form, or does it look completely different? Our position is pretty simple....

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How a Daily Rhythm Can Help You Be More Productive

Science has long known about circadian rhythms and how important these are to mental and physical health. Study after study has shown that people with disrupted circadian rhythms are less likely to get restful sleep which, in turn, means potential health problems. But there is more to the rhythm concept than just sleeping and waking hours.   ADHD and Rhythm   People with ADHD know firsthand how important a daily rhythm is to productivity. A daily rhythm is to productivity what the circadian rhythm is to sleep patterns. Simply put, establishing and maintaining a daily rhythm can help you be more productive by also helping you:   develop repeatable behaviors plan your day more effectively implement needed changes more efficiently....

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